Dressed in an elaborate red victorian dress and drenched in a durable urethane blood. Includes metal base. Choose between Tortured, Crimson, or Grey.
Blood Ghost
All props are comprised of Polyurethane bodies, hands and heads. They're painted by our shop with intense detail and costumed elaborately for a dramatic theme. (Product hair, costumes, and colors may vary from protoypes pictured depending on supply and demand. We paint them to match as closely as possible.)
50% of payment will be charged at the time of checkout after order is processed. (Only to orders over $500. Anything below $500 will be charged immediately.) Email/Call will be sent to acquire payment information to obtain second payment and shipping charges nearing completion of product. Shipments will only go out on Friday. Orders will be processed Sunday-Wednesday. Returns are only allowed if standards of the return do not match the product information policy. (Clothing/Hair/Eye color may vary slightly depending on supply/demand of these details. Costume colors may vary. Paint scheme and Sculpt will not be effected by this. We offer limited customization abilities.) If refund is requested for reasons outside these stipulations then item can be returned and price of item will be refunded. Customer will pay for return shipping charges. After 3 months any product that is unclaimed will be listed for sale and refund will not be issued for first 50% payment. Communication is important so please provide adequate email/phone number so order can be processed appropriately.